How much does it cost to attend JWC?
This conference is free to all.
How do I register to attend JWC?
The JWC is free and open to all. Registration is not required, and everyone can come directly to the venue. However, we strongly recommend that anyone interested in attending the conference registers to stay updated, particularly in case of unexpected circumstances such as typhoons. The registration button will be available once the program is ready in August. Note: certain sessions may require preregistration or the submission of materials. Please refer to the corresponding schedule for further details.
Who is eligible to submit a proposal for JWC?
All published writers, translators, editors, agents and publishers are welcome to submit presentation proposals. We especially encourage proposals from new submitters. One of our strengths has been variety, and the best way to foster variety is to have new presenters each year.
Are any of the presentations in Japanese, or are they all in English?
Most of the presentations at JWC are in English. However, sometimes there are also bilingual presentations. Please check the conference program for details.
Can I bring copies of my published books to sell at the conference?
Presenters and their publishers are free to bring copies of their books to sell at the conference. We will have a designated room with tables where they can display books, and this room is always popular with conference goers. Most simply leave their books on a table along with a price list and an envelope for money while they attend conference sessions. We have had no trouble with books going missing with this method. However, we cannot guarantee that people will pay. Also, we ask that people be sensitive to space limitations.
I am interested in other events for writers in Japan. Do you have any recommendations?
Please check out the following:
- meetup.com (there are several writers’ groups, including Tokyo Writers Workshop)
- swet.jp (Society of Writers, Editors and Translators)
- japan.scbwi.org (Society of Children’s Books Writers and Illustrators)
- www.writersinkyoto.com (English-language authors working or living in Kyoto).
I want to attend JWC but I need help paying for transportation and lodging. Can you help?
We appreciate that travel and lodging can be expensive. However, because we are a free event, JWC does not have the resources to help with expenses.
Can you help me get a visa to come to Japan for the conference?
Sorry, we are unable to help with this.